A kto kota ma? - to kotka

Who has the cat? - the kitten has

Łajce psi specjał

Dog’s dainty for Lajka

Leci bażant na  żabi cel  

Pheasant flies into the frog’s goal

A mus z okna da nam rabuś, u barmana danko z suma  

Robber will give us the mousse from the window, at the barman’s - small dish made from the wells

No i luba do prawicy ci war poda - bullion

Your sweetheart will give you the boiling broth to your right side

Ilu beczy z cebuli?  

How many people cry because of the onion?

Ala boski miks obala 

Alice knocks down a heavenly mixed drink

Adela atomowo mota, ale da 


Ma tuz Roman atoll, flota na morzu tam

Roman-the pot has an atoll, the fleet at sees there

Sani woła dal biała i blada, łowi nas 

The will of the sledges, the distance, white and pale, hunts for us

Ruda, a gra larga A-dur  

Red-haired, but plays largo in a-flat major

To po stos psot - Sopot  

One comes here for a heap of jokes - this is

Ładna pani woła - mało wina pan dał  

Fair lady shouts - little wine you have given

Rada dama sama da dar 

A pleased lady will give the gift al by herself

U Izydy żądze - zdąży Dyziu?  

Izyda wants him - will Dyzio come on time?

Okna, wrota, drabina - pani barda to rwanko

Windows, gate, ladder - this is the small pickup of your bard

A ile ma tez od „A” do „Zet” Amelia? 

And how many thesis from “A” to “Z” Amelia has?

Orki makro - norka mikro

Orka’s are macro - the mink micro

Ej, żyrfa ryż je  

Oh, the giraffe eats rice

Tu armata - a tam raut  

Here is the cannon - and there the party

Ada jest estetką - baca Bąk te tse-tse jada  

Ada is the aesthete - flock-master Bąk eats this tsetse

To kłamał kot?  

Is it the cat that lied?

A to kłamał kot, okłamał kota

It is the horse that lied - it deceived the cat

Popada - gada pop  

It looks like rain - the orthodox pope says

Popada grad - o, to dar, gada pop 

It looks like hail - oh, this is the gift, the pope says

Ej, Ula, Bąk Izydor świeże jada jeże i w środy z Iką baluje  

Look, Ula, Bąk Izydor eat fresh hedgehogs and each Wednesday they balls with Ika

Jadzi w gwóźdź ów gwizdaj

Whistle into this Jadwiga’s nail!

A matol zagaja - Baba Jaga złota ma

An idiot says: witch Jaga has the gold

Ile Roman ładny dyndał na moreli?

How long has the beautiful Roman hanged on the apricot tree?

Ma mini-bar “Łany” Drak. Popija tutaj i pop, kardynał, rabin, imam. 

Drak has the bar called “Łany”. Pope, cardinal, rabbi, imam drink here.

Znowu brak skarbu w ONZ  

Again, there is no “Treasure” in the UN

Kobyły mi myły bok  

Mares side